Saturday, June 1, 2013

Advantages of Aquaponics Compared To Traditional Farming

 Aquaponics gardening combines the processes of aquaculture and hydroponics to grow nutrient rich vegetables and herbs. This is an unique method of growing food. There are a number of advantages to this type of farming. But first it to important to understand the basic premise of aquaponics.

Unlike traditional agriculture where you need to grow vegetables in soil, aquaponics uses fish and water. This method of farming yields healthy nutrient rich food in a cost effective manner. Simply but put, aquaponics relies on the interdependence between fish and plants into water environment. The fish produces bio-nutrients for the plants, while the plants clean the water, creating a perfect for the fish thrive. The plants get nutrients from the fish and the fish get clean water grow and develop. This what is known as an symbiotic relationship. This is a combination of two methods commonly used to grow food, aquaculture and hydroponics.


Getting your aquaponics up and running you will mean having fresh organic food on your table each and every day, regardless of the hour when you decide to cook your meals. You simply take your tomato, cucumber of your basil from the aquaponic "field" and use it for your meals. It is as easy as it sounds.

You will also have plenty of fish. Whether you want them for cooking tasty meals or simply for your décor, they are a great addition in your home! They also have a practical purpose, as you will never have to use chemical fertilizers on your plants, thus obtaining real organic food.

Assembling an aquaponics garden is extremely simple. Not only will you be able to assemble it all by yourself, without the help of your family or neighbors, but you can also put it wherever you want. If you move from one house to another, then you simply disassemble the system and take it with you! What can be easier than that?

Another great advantage of the hydroponic farming is that it offers you financial independence and control over your money. You will know exactly how much you need to spend on your food and you will no longer depend on the market for your veggies' supplies.

Last, but not least, it involves no dirty hands and clothes, no bending and digging, no land and little maintenance time, so it will be like your veggies and fish grow all by themselves! Quite an easy to put in practice system, suitable for all types of people, even for busy and impatient ones!

 “Break-Through Organic Gardening Secret Grows You Up To 10 Times The Plants, In Half The Time, With Healthier Plants, While the "Fish" Do All the Work...”

Dear Gardener,

Imagine you knew a secret about growing plants in a break-through new way... to the outside world your organic garden or farm would seem almost "magic", Why? Because people almost never see you working in it!
While every one else works hard at planting, weeding...more weeding..., watering, fertilizing, composting,... and more and more weeding... You're gardening from the comfort of your hammock.

What's more... your plants grow twice as fast, and you can grow up to ten times more of them in the same area of space as your neighbors do. That means, if you're growing lettuce, and have 10 square feet of space... your method grows as much lettuce as someone would with 100 square feet of space!

If you want to transform your gardening, and possibly even your life forever, get a cup of tea or coffee, sit down, and spend the next 5 minutes reading this short story, this will be the most important letter you read this year.
CLICK HERE to find out why.

 “You’ll Also Get These Incredible Bonuses(Total Value of $300!)
Absolutely FREE!”

Organic Gardening For Beginners 
With this comprehensive book, “Organic Gardening for Beginners”, you can learn nearly everything you need to know to garden without the use of chemicals or other harmful substances! Learn organic gardening the simple way - with this amazing book! There are many things that organic gardening can give you. CLICK HERE to receive these books for free, with the purchase of AQUAPONICS4YOU.


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Worm Farming - The World Best Compost 
Worm Farming is the clean, green and environmentally friendly. And it's so easy that anyone can do it. But what's more: you can earn a considerate amount of money by worm farming. From only household waste the worms make you the best compost you can wish for!

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